Saturday, October 19, 2024


The Department of Public Works reminds all property owners and contractors to follow this simple piece of advice: call 811 before you dig! Underground utility conduits and cables can pose major hazards to excavators. Puncturing an electrical or natural gas line can have a severe and immediate impact on neighborhood safety, while piercing a water or sewer line can cause costly and frustrating service disruptions. Individuals or companies who damage buried utilities can face fines and may be liable for the repair bill.    


At least three (3) business days prior to beginning any construction project that requires the movement of earth with a mechanical device, the operator of said equipment must contact the Pennsylvania One Call Network. Homeowners who are undertaking do-it-yourself work can utilize this hotline at no cost, while professional excavators must register for the service for $100 annual fee. DPW staff responds to Pennsylvania One Call requests by marking the locations of buried utility lines with color-coded paint.    


The majority of construction activity requires only simple excavation, and a separate permit is not necessary for the digging stage of the project. However, a grading permit and an engineering review of the scope of work are needed for all projects that involve significant movement of earth or a major altering of the contours of the ground surface. A grading permit can be acquired by completing the Application for a Uniform Construction Permit found here.


Contractors who are engaging in work that will necessitate the opening of a paved public street must complete the Application for a Street Application Permit found below. This form must be returned to the Borough at least four (4) business days prior to the commencement of the project. If street closures will be required, a traffic control plan must be provided to the Borough at least seven (7) business days in advance of construction. It is the responsibility of the contractor to restore the street to a functional condition.


Date 2012-12-11
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Contact Vitali Alexandrov

Vitali Alexandrov
Director of Public Works
412-884-1500 x120

Contact Bob Mackewich

Bob Mackewich
Public Works Superintendent
412-884-1500 x113